Friday, October 13, 2017

Ponies, Dogs, Posies and The Skoog Farm Exhibition 2017

The weather improved as the day went on, but I was too busy to notice.

 After chores I ran several errands.
First I delivered flowers to the Gathering Room at the Rec Center and ended up staying there 
for an hour and a half.
Then I stopped at Country Max for Vitamin E and Selenium, 2 bags of Strider and Shavings.
 (They still have many flowers for sale).

 Last stop was Wegmans.
 When I got back to the farm (after 2:00) Gary and I went out to the barn to throw down some
hay from the loft to the feed room.  Can't believe I still have beautiful 2nd cutting grass
 from last year.
 Can you tell that the wind was kicking up?

The horses have been enjoying apples instead of carrots for over a month and we started running out so I picked some drops from one of our trees.  They are not pretty, but inside they are white, crispy and delicious.

 There is still plenty of mud so the girls are still into rolling.

 At 6 I left for the gallery to get ready for our 7pm opening.
 You will have to excuse the glare in these photos as many of the pieces are covered with glass.
This is the entire show.
I am very proud of the work done by my students and guest artists.

 Of course we had all kinds of treats, wine and flavored water.

 There was a lot going on in town tonight, but we still had a good crowd.
 Everything was cleaned up and we were out of there by 9.

So nice to have community support.
Night all.


  1. What a fantastic display, very, VERY talented artists and other artisans.

  2. Hi Lori, you have some very talented students. It's great when locals support an event. Have a great day. Jo


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