Sunday, October 22, 2017

Amazing Color AM and PM

 I dropped Gary off at Oak Orchard and went over to Java for a salad before heading
over to our Sunday jam.  Lots of people and good vibes.

 I don't know what I was laughing at when Lori S. grabbed my camera and took my photo.
After all the political crapola going on, this felt great!
My show is still up....see it?
 Next week we will be in our indoor arena with invited family and friends followed by pot luck!
 We worked on some old favorites so our guests can join in.
Like this one....
Maybe we will have some song sheets.

 This is what I lug with me every Sunday....and that music stand is heavy.
 More computer stuff this afternoon, and when it was chore time I cut up this humungo carrot.
It was equal to at least 3 large (regular) carrots.  I served it to the girls with a side of pears.
 On my way out to the barn it looked like this.
 I tucked the girls in....

 and after I fed them, the sun was ready to set.  Wow!

 It was almost dark by the time the pups and I got back to the house.

 I decided to start working on these carrots and blanched them
 before bagging and freezing.  I have enough for about three batches like this.
Maybe they have cooled off by now.
Night all.


  1. I wondered about the art even before you said it was your show. Thought so! Loved hearing the music and oh, my... those carrots! Happy Fall to you!

  2. The night sky with those clouds behind the bare trees, beautiful.Not to forget the huge carrots!!!

  3. I started to chuckle when you showed what you take to music because I'm always looking for the perfect bag to carry my ukulele stuff in too. I have a fold up heavy plastic music stand that I got from Amazon and it does make things a bit easier. Its made by Peak. I really enjoyed the music videos and the photos of your beautiful night sky. Have a fun day!


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