Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Little Help From Our New Friends!

 Karen fed the girls this morning and I went out late to clean stalls.

Yesterday I told you that someone stopped and left a note to see if we wanted to get rid of our humungo tree that Scott and Tom cut down a couple of days ago.
I answered the note, said they could have the biggest pieces and they arrived around 9:30am
ready for action.  Fortunately they had a big fork lift, 'cause the biggest piece had to 
weigh over 1 1/2 tons.
 They knew what they were doing.....
 It sure saved us (and Scott) a lot of work.

 What a great family.  
They loaded up the wood and moved all the rest so we could clean up the area.
 They have what they want, we have a picked up yard and plenty of firewood.

Afterwards, Little Wonder, Phoebe and I went for a walk over to the 
raspberry bushes so we could indulge.

 I was very happy to make the Sunday Jam, since we were having the fundraiser last week.
Gary was on duty at the Welcome Center, where 4 boats were docked with visitors from San Diego.
He sent one of them over to join us!  This is Deanna.
She was so game and we really enjoyed her.  Piano and a uke!

Greg brought one of his drum sets today.
 A new dimension for us.
 He is such a great percussionist!
 Jim has not joined us for months.  So good to have him there today.

 Around 5 I started mowing the lawn and managed to do half of it before dinner.
Will finish it tomorrow.

 The girls were ready to be fed and once again the light was so beautiful,
shining into Berlin's stall.

 I had to clean the water trough and added a little bleach to scrub it out.  After I dumped out the rinse water Berlin stuck her head out the window and started licking her lips.  Do your horses react to bleach smell?  All four of ours will lick until they have foam on their lips.
 I'll take this cooler weather any day....

 I bought a couple bags of nectarines at the farm market today, as that will probably be it for the season.  They were perfectly ripe, so I put one in the salad tonight and will make a tart tomorrow.
 Butternut squash soup (leftovers again) for dinner.
Night all.

Look at what Ariana sent to Carol and Topper.


  1. Sharing the huge log and in return a whole lotta help!!! So good to have some extra logs ready.

  2. Wow that's great you found someone to take those huge limbs. Sunday ham looks like fun as usual.

  3. I sometimes use a tiny bit of bleach in the stock tank to keep the water from turning greenish during hot weather. The mules don't seem to care one way or another.
    Wow, what a great job that was of cleaning up that monster tree! Whew!


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