Sunday, September 24, 2017

Susan, Wally, Louise and Todd Made My Day!

What a combination.
Food, friends, fun and fundraising!
The record breaking temperatures did not keep our determined supporters away.
After chores, Gary washed down all the tables and chairs, then I put on the table clothes and flowers.  All we needed....about 32 more chairs which LuAnne, Jim, Annie and David brought to the farm.  Let me tell you, it was a lot of work getting this together.  It's a good thing we have an amazing team. 

 I started with the crostinis...
brushed on olive oil with Romano cheese and some fresh ground pepper.
I did not toast them until half an hour before serving so they would stay crisp.
Adam Rich was at the farm mid-morning to help get this show on the road.
We put together an outrageous antipasto.

 Then the rest of the food arrived.

 I actually did not get photos of everything.  Delicious opportunities!
 There's that Mustang again!  It follows Susan and Walt no matter where they go.
We were very happy to have two young Dems in attendance.  So important.
Todd Baxter, candidate for sheriff, joined us,
 and the entertainment was provided by Ronnie Watts. 
When Mary and I ran for office, her father performed at our fundraiser...
that would be Miles Watts (who we have know since he was around 3 years old).
Ronnie not only sings, she writes much of her music.

 LuAnne C. was in charge of beverages and brought along an umbrella to go over the table.
We had huge containers of flavored water and lemonade.....LOTS of ice.
 I grabbed a plate of food but it took awhile to be able to eat it....we were very busy.

 When Louise Slaughter arrived, we gave her a few minutes to sit down and have a drink.
 Of course everyone loves to talk to her and she loves to respond.
 Then it was time to hear a few words from our candidates.
I welcomed everyone and we started with Susan.

Then it was Wally's turn.
 We were all very impressed with Todd Baxter as he has a lot of experience...not only as a policeman (19 years on a SWAT team) but also very invested in working with veterans and
 others needing assistance.  His approach as Sheriff would be such a positive change.

 Louise was our grand finale.  She was just out here on Friday for a History Club presentation by Diane Maynard (Louise saw her here today and asked her to come up and be recognized) and she was more than willing to come back again today.  The support she has given Mary and me during our campaign. swearing us in and keeping in touch has been greatly appreciated.  It's not too often that we get this much support from someone who is in congress.
 And there is Town Board team mate.

 My friend, Helen Smagorinsky, donated a framed print for a silent auction to support
our current campaign.  I also presented one of her prints (I posted that on Friday) to Louise at the History Club meeting.  Today they had a chance to talk about it.
Helen is an avid supporter.
 Candidates and friends from Clarkson (next town North of Brockport) were also here
today and Louise was excited to hear that there is a lot more activity on the
West side of Rochester.  They also marched in the homecoming parade with us on Friday.
 The man in the light blue shirt....that's Chet Fery.  He is better known as the "bread man" and I have written about him in the past.  He has given out over 86,000 loves of bread to friends and strangers and loves to pay it forward.  Today he told Louise the smile he gets every time he gives someone a loaf is well worth it.  And of course, he brought bread and passed it out to all of us.  You have seen him in photos when I have posted them from our panel discussions with students at the college regarding "aging and activity."  Such an important part of our community.

 We ran out of gas around 5pm.  I put all the food away and our team took down all the tents, put away the tables and chairs....a gazillion chairs.  99% finished thanks to them.
Another great event sponsored by The Town of Sweden Democrats.
I could not be more proud of what we stand for.

It's going to be an interesting campaign and our candidates are determined to 
be pro-active.


  1. So much help is always needed, and to see the yummy food there, platters arranged to perfection, a wonderful event.

  2. Looks like your event was a huge success!


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