Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Lunch with Judy

I woke up to a beautiful hibiscus blossom.

 After chores I went down to the Rec Center to find the paintings we are hanging in the gathering room tomorrow.  They just refinished the gym floor and it looked spectacular.
On the way out I ran into Judy and she wondered if I would be interested in doing lunch.
But of course!
We went to Java for salads.
Woody and
Jimmy were jammin' out front.
 I had the chicken salad on greens
 and Judy had the warm spinach salad with chicken.
 Home before two, and made a peach/nectarine tart.
 It's a beauty!
Half the size of a pie and delicious.

 Gary had eggs for dinner and I was not hungry.
The dogs had peas with theirs.
 The sky was beautiful as I turned into my friend's driveway for a meeting at 7.

Time to crash.
Night all.

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