Friday, September 22, 2017

Louise Slaughter, The Homecoming Parade, and The Rest of My Day

First I want to start with the Honorable Congresswoman, Louise Slaughter.
There is a History Club in Brockport that was started 120 years ago and it still exists today.
(I was in it for a short time, but just couldn't fit in one more thing)
Each year the person leading the group picks a topic for all the members to report on.
This year, it has to do with women who were the "first."
My friend, Diane M. picked Louise Slaughter, as she has followed her political career for decades.  I helped connect the two and was very excited to know that Louise would be in Brockport this afternoon when Diane made her report.  I asked if I could be there... and as things turned out, I was given a print by my good friend (and nationally known artist) Helen Smagorinsky which I was to present to Louise.  Here it is.  So appropriate.
The house was packed, dessert was served
and then she arrived.
If you have ever met Louise, it's like bumping into an old friend.
She is warm, humble and so comfortable to be around.
 Diane presented her paper and Louise was able to react 
during.... and answer questions after it was completed.
 I certainly learned a lot!

Before she left I gave her the print and she will have the opportunity to 
talk to the artist at our farm on Sunday when we are having a political fundraiser
for our local candidates.

 I made sure I got a few photos of Diane with the Congresswoman
 and many others.
 Louise really enjoyed her time with this group and encouraged them to take a road trip
to Washington.  It just might happen!
If you are ever in DC, make sure you stop and visit this woman!

I left there at 4:15 and drove around the corner to Jenny's house to change my clothes and 
get over to the Middle School to line up for the Homecoming Parade (by 4:45).
Mary and I participated in this when we ran for office and several of us were there to
support Susan and Walt....our current Town Board candidates.
Check out that classic Mustang 
(owned by Richard B., the graphic artist working on all the campaign printed materials).
 Are we good sports or what????

So what, do you ask, was going on at the farm today?

 Chores first.

 Then I gathered and washed jars to put flowers in for our event on Sunday.
 Gary picked raspberries and after we had some for breakfast, I made 3 jars of preserves.
 Even pickled some beets.
 Then I cut up all the peppers we picked before the gardens got turned over and sauteed them.
Double bagged the end result and threw them in the freezer.
Don't know what got into me to do all this.
 Before going to the Louise affair, I mowed the lawn.

One packed day.
Night all.

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