Friday, September 29, 2017

I Confess...I Turned On the Furnace Tonight....

It was in the 40s when the pups and I went out to the barn this morning.  I had to put on sweats and a jacket.

 We desperately needed new flowers for our kitchen table
 so I picked zinnias.

 I had a 10am meeting and when I got back to the farm, Scott and his friend Tom had started taking down a BIG DEAD TREE that was on the south side of the library.

 Of course it had to start raining....and they worked right through it.

 We have a major mess to clean up, but it was worth it.  It would have destroyed our roof and the side of the house if it fell.

 By late afternoon the sun arrived and it was ideal for the ponies.

 I had this brainstorm to make butternut squash soup  and started it before realizing I did not have all the ingredients.
 Cut up 1 squash and 3 apples
 sauteed 2 big onions
 threw it in a big pot with 2 cups of light chicken bouillon
 brought it to a boil and then turned down the heat for 30-40 minutes.
We'll see how it turns out tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Cold here too but the sun felt good during the day. Love being able to wear sweatshirts. I'm sure your soup will be delicious!

  2. Seems like the cold snap is almost in everyone's back yard today. we have a beauty 22C outside, That soup sounds very tasty.

  3. I love Zinnias and raise a lot of them so I can put bouquets all over the little house and on the porch.
    We had a very cold morning, it was about 41 when I woke up. Morris was buried under a blanket on the couch.


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