Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dining With Ann, Ron, Brenda and Al

A change in the weather was predicted for today and it happened....

 Gary cleaned and shipped some garlic today...he's still tired from the weekend and
we both need to catch a break.
 It rained for a short time late afternoon and the temperature dropped....
at last.  Now...back to the sixties and I will be a happy camper.

We did not have to cook tonight as we were invited to the Cretney's for our monthly dinner.
I always have to ask Brenda about her latest paintings.
She just finished this one and I love it.
 Actually, I did make the salad for our meal and it was outrageous.
Mixed greens, Mandarin oranges, pickled beets, toasted walnuts, 
crumbly blue and a vinaigrette dressing.
 Al grilled strip steaks that were served with green beans and potato salad.
 Ann make a cheesecake topped with wild blueberries.  So smooth.
 After dinner we adjourned to the living room and discussed the latest.

 These dinners are always such a pleasure!
Here is one more painting by Brenda...I needed to take the photo in better light.
Do you recognize Seymour?
Night all.

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