Saturday, August 26, 2017

This is Part Two for Today.

Gary and I have been working for weeks on a big 
farm-to-table fundraiser for Oak Orchard Health.
(He is on the Board of Directors)

We started off the day with him gathering buckets of flowers from our gardens
to take over to Sara's Garden and Nursery, where we were going to put together
about 30 arrangements.  Fortunately Kathy was very organized and we had a
good crew.  We were done in less than an hour.

The festivities started at 5:30 in the New York Room at the Cooper Center.

 Ann Beers was there from Glenora Wine Cellars (Dundee, New York)
doing a wine tasting.  
Cabernet Franc, Riesling, Unoaked Chardonnay and Bobsled Red

 I was the Master of Ceremonies tonight.  A new experience for me.

 The dinner was superb!
First Course - Red Pepper Soup with Deconstructed Gazpacho Crostini
 (our photographers)

 Main Course - Mixed Grille
Balsamic Glazed Warm Root Veggie Salad
Broccoli Gratin
 They also offered a vegetarian option.
 Jim Cummings, CEO of Oak Orchard Health spoke about Community Health Care
Today and Tomorrow ...
Followed by Steven Goldstein, Vice President, University of Rochester Medical Center (Chief Executive Officer, Strong Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital) and Dr. Nancy Ciavarri (Chief Medical Officer, Oak Orchard Health.
Five awards were presented to
Libby Caruso, Karen Watt, Caurie Putnam-Ferguson, Dr. James Goetz
and the Brockport Ecumenical Outreach Committee
all have served our community well.

 The Goetz family.
Dr. Goetz not only received the Community Health Pioneer Award, 
 the Oak Orchard Health building will be named after him.
A real honor.
 Biscuits with Peaches and Fresh Whipped Cream for dessert.
 Chef Sean outdid himself tonight,
and Danielle could not have been more helpful, working with our committee.
It was a pleasure for Gary and me to participate on this committee with
Mary Rich, Jen Skoog, Lorienda Smith, George Sokolsky, Rita Wagner
and the very organized Rhiannon McDevitt
 And special thanks to all of the people who were donors.
Now I'm really tired!
Night all....again.


  1. Beautiful flower arrangements. Looks like the event was a huge success. You live in a great community.

  2. What a great event. Spectacular flowers!

  3. The flowers are gorgeous! I always hated cutting mine, thinking my garden would look bare. But, I do know that encourages more blooms!
    I am so impressed with how both of you give back to your community!


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