Thursday, August 17, 2017

Louise Slaughter....

Not too busy today...

 (early morning sun)

 At noon I met my friend Cheryl down at Java and we both enjoyed Greek Panninis and a salad
for lunch.  Perfect.  It was great to catch up.
 I had started mowing the lawn around 10 and had to finish when I got back to the farm.

 At 5, Jenny and Susan arrived so we could drive in to Rochester for an event with
Congresswoman Louise Slaughter.
 Of course Jenny knew everyone in the room and could help us out.

 I absolutely love this woman!
She has always served with integrity and spirit, bringing so much back to the Rochester area.
After filling us in on the Washington Scene she answered many questions and we had the opportunity to talk for awhile.  She has supported Mary and me from the get go when we ran for office (swore us in)  and I really wanted her to have an opportunity to get to know Susan, who is currently running for Town Board.
A very good experience.
Louise said her Daddy told her (something like this)
"It's a lot easier to keep your integrity than to lose it and try and get it back."
I agree.  It's such an important quality to hang on to.
Hopefully she will make it to an event we are holding at the Farm in September.
 Gary worked on the flower gardens in the back yard and they are in pretty good shape.

He is just getting home from Summer Serenades....
I missed it....again.

 Night all.

1 comment:

  1. I am pulling up our tomato plants. Harvested our last tomatoes this week.


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