Monday, July 10, 2017

New Wheels....

Last night before I went to sleep the moon was beautiful.
A funky bird house hangs on the back porch....more arty than functional
 and it stands out when the twinkie lights are on.
 This morning was cool and clear, heading toward the low 80s.

 After coffee at Java Gary continued to pull and hang garlic.

 The Yucca plants are just about ready to pop and are towering over my head.

 Around 10:30 I headed down to a local dealership to look at cars.  Mine is 10 years old with 109,000 miles...tho it still runs well I was getting itchy.  The newspapers are loaded with ads advertising these amazing prices for leasing.  What a joke.  First I drove a Terrain, then an
Equinox.  I preferred the latter and when they worked out the price it was not $139 per month for 24 was $330!  I have never leased a car before and was not used to the ridiculous game that goes along with it.  So I said no deal....
 and ended up with a much more affordable plan leasing a
2018 Subaru and should have it in a couple of days.
Also ordered a seat protector/hammock (from Amazon) for the back seat 
so the dogs don't make a mess.
Helped Gary for a little while when I got home as he pulled out another large batch of garlic.
He was very gimpy and I'm afraid he has a serious problem with his right knee.

 Dinner....Carina's Cinnamon toast and fried eggs.
 For some reason I am very sleepy...just like Sidney.

Night all.


  1. Subarus are great cars - bet you'll enjoy yours - also extra good in the snow.

  2. Good luck with your new car! I can believe you're tired, I don't know how you do all you do every day.

  3. Congratulations on your new ride
    Lily & Edward

  4. We have a Subaru Outback (Brett's car) and love it. It is six years old with 120,000 miles and still going strong. Its perfect for taking the kayaks to the lake. We also have a hammock thing for Kersey in the back seat. Works great and she loves it.


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