Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Dog Gone It

Sunny, hot and muggy today.

 Aside from a couple trips to Country Max for a shavings sale, the pups and I took it easy.
Gary and I indulged in a refreshing treat after lunch.  
Organic peaches in peach jello topped with whipped cream.
Yes....just right for the weather.
 This afternoon we went out to the Studio (I cooled it off with the air conditioner before we entered) so I could start painting some stones.

 I'm going to hide them down in the village and have started painting a couple others.
It's really a fun project.  "Brockport Rocks."  If you are so inclined, you should start this
in your town.  Over 320 people are involved through FaceBook.  I hope someone finds these
and posts photos.

 Gary had a dinner/board meeting and I made myself a salad.
 Our spinach, an apple, craisins, extra sharp cheddar cheese, almonds and homemade croutons.
 This is what Little Wonder and Phoebe ate.
Rice with peas and carrots.  They loved it.
 A beautiful evening.

Night all.


  1. Could have used those peaches in jello today! In the 90's here and muggy. Love the rock painting and hiding. What a great idea.

  2. Oh I love those rocks, that looks like a fun project. I will have to see if I can find some rock candidates.
    My collection of rocks are iron concretions right now. I love collecting those bizarre shaped rocks.


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