Thursday, June 15, 2017


 I had to run some errands after chores.  These flowers were for sale at Country Max.

When I got home I started mowing the lawn and only got about a quarter of it done as it started pouring.  (I started mowing again at 5:15 and we rained again).  Hopefully I can finish tomorrow.

I got a box in the mail today from our friend Tom R., Gary's long time friend since they were in kindergarten...maybe sooner.  He checks out my Journal on a regular basis, and when he saw this picture I posted of Gary, he printed it and added some text.  What a sweet gift.
At 3 I arrived at Brookline, where several us were playing for the residents.
 Every Thursday they have musical entertainment.

 I didn't get home until 5 and by 6:30 was back in Brockport for a joint workshop.
Town Board and Village Board.  We are going to start doing this at least twice a year.
So good for our community, to see us working together.
 Gary put the finishing touches on the mudroom today.
The door has to be painted, the flooring put down and the electrical 
work needs to be finished.  He will be very happy when he can get back outside.
What a difference!
 Tonight he and Wonder are just cooling it.
Night all.


  1. I love following your blog. You are one busy lady! Thanks for all of the effort you put into it!

  2. You live in a nice fun town
    Lily & Edward

  3. Love the picture that Gary's friend sent. The mudroom looks great! You are just too busy all day every day to keep up with!

  4. So glad to see your blog is still such a very lovely place to visit Lori .


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