Friday, June 2, 2017

Helen's Bakery....

A chilly but beautiful start to the day.

 After chores Helen and I made a quick trip to Wegmans for a couple of ingredients we forgot 
yesterday.  This morning she made a big batch of granola.
 Can't wait to try it.
 While she did that, I mowed the lawn and around the pastures.

At 12:30 we had lunch on the porch.  I made turkey/swiss cheese/roasted red peppers panninis
which were served with potato salad and Judy's layered salad.
Helen made one of her Grans pastis.  Pastry filled with raisins topped with a glaze.
 I made a banana cream pie for dinner.

She also made a rhubarb pie to take back to Glen Darach Farm.
Judy arrived at 5:30 and I had not taken a shower yet (as I had taken a very long nap)!  Gary entertained while I got cleaned up and dressed.
Andrea got here at 7pm and before long we were eating dinner.

 Grilled pork tenderloin (Gary did a perfect job), mashed potatoes with caramelized onions and extra sharp cheddar cheese, peas and a salad.
 The pie tasted great!
Helen and I packed a lot in while she was here!
So good to have her in town.  Now we all need a long nap.
Night all.


  1. Love LW's photo! He is such the charmer! Busy day for you as ever.

  2. Looks like a lot of delicious food!


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