Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Ark Is On The Way....

How much more water can we handle?

 And this is peanuts compared to what's going on at Lake Ontario where there is so much erosion and flooding from the high water.  Many homes are now in danger of being flooded.

 Little Wonder must think it's funny!

 Last night Jen and I drove to the Buffalo Airport (torrential downpour) to pick up Stephanie , who was flying in for Theresa's memorial service.  Of course the flight was late (supposed to be 1am) and we got home around 3:15 AM!  Needless to say, we were all pooped.
 So, morning came early.
Karen and I did morning chores, Steph had to be at the church by 9:15 and Gary and I arrived just before the service started at 10.

 Theresa and Steph spent a lot of time together during and after High School.
In fact, they lived together in NYC for awhile.
 They remained very close, especially during the past 8 years when Theresa put up a very strong fight, trying to beat cancer.

 Before the service was over, I drove to the Lodge on the Canal to help get everything set up for the luncheon.  You can't imagine all the food people brought.

I was so busy, there are not that many photos.

 By 1:30 pm we started cleaning up and I was running out of gas.
Gave away most of the flower arrangements...Steph and I were home around 3, 
both in need of sleep.
 Princess Phoebe Bluegrass (as someone dubbed her) had the right idea.
 I put on my pjs and was in bed by 3:30.
Watched the Kentucky Derby and was grateful that all of the horses made it without any injuries.
 The tulips we brought in the house days ago are still in amazing shape.
How can I not take pictures of them?

 I had chore duty.  The girl's blankets were wet from the rain, but all were dry underneath.
Another ugmo day with more on the way.

 We are back to muck city.

 Got them all tucked in by 7:15.

No big dinner tonight.  Steph is out with friends and we are having a quiet evening,

Night all.


  1. So sad. I'll bet you are pooped. Have a good sleep.

  2. we have a spare adult sized life jacket here, like new,Do you need it? What a beautiful display , a wonderful tribute. Sleep well.

  3. It sounds like a tough day between the rain and the loss. Hugs.

  4. Sounds like wet, sad, and exhausting times at your place. Though, it looks like a wonderful service.

  5. Rest well. My critters are loving their mud baths.


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