Monday, May 15, 2017

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Gorgeous...all day long.
 Here is a before shot of the outdoor arena, that should be rototilled tomorrow.
It has been under water off and on all spring.
 Finally it's dry enough to work up.

Several years ago, out of the blue, our friends Brenda and Al gave us a lilac tree.
Today it is huge and full of fragrance.

 After chores I mowed the lawn and when I was behind the back pasture I caught a view of the beautiful pond that was dug when they built the house in the back 40.  It looked pristine.
(And full to the brim)
 Our oldest apple tree finally has blossoms....maybe we will have a good crop.
Last year we had nothing because of a very late frost.

 This afternoon I decided to put masks on the girls for the first time this season.
It's pain to keep them clean, but so worth it.

 If only my hair was as shiny as Little Wonder's.

Gary brought home a new push lawn mower this afternoon
and we gave Jenny our old one.  Hers bit the dust.
 At 4:30 we went down to the Varsity Baseball field where Finn had a game.
He is in the 8th grade and this is called the modified team/freshman.
 I could not be more impressed!
Finn did an outstanding job hitting and playing first base.

 Who knows what next year will hold in store for these kids!
 Jenny was able to get there for the last two innings.
 The sun was in Coop's eyes when I took this photo.  He warned me....
 Seeing that it was late and I did not make dinner....
Jenny reminded me that it was wing night at the Stoneyard, so we went there.
 We split a salad and each got wings.  Tasted just great to me!!!!
 I had the best surprise while we were there!
We sat next to a woman (Julie Dunn) who is here from California 
for two weeks, visiting her family.
She was my student at the (then) Campus Demonstration School.
It was my second year of teaching and she was in the 8th grade!
So fun to catch up.  Now we are both retired and I have not seen her for decades!!!!
 The pups were happy to grab a little more sunshine when we got back to the farm.

 Can't beat the light when the sun is going down.

Night all.


  1. Great day! Our fruit trees actually have blossoms this year. The frost got them last year. So surprising you met your past student. Small world. Finn looks like he means business with that bat.

  2. We were dried out finally yesterday and then a huge storm moved in. Dumped one inch of rain.
    Now we are soggy again and the garden has to wait longer.... :(

  3. You have beautiful hair little one. Now where are the peanuts and cracker jacks
    Lily & Edward

  4. Great new mower, looks like it will self drive when the front bar is held down. Love the pond, and as always the doggies are full of fun. How wonderful to catch up with a student,


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