Friday, April 21, 2017

More Rain...the Pond is Back

Grey most of the day and around 50.
We had plenty of rain again, so there is a lot of standing water.
 The back pasture is high and drains well, so it looks great and the grass is growing.
 I hope the pond disappears quickly.
We are putting out less hay, and today it was set up way out back.
A few days ago I called Gordon B. to have him come up and rototill the outdoor arena and Gary's gardens.  Let's hope it dries out before Tuesday.  The weekend forecast sounds pretty good.

At least the dogs were willing to go outside today...

I spent much of the afternoon reading and made a banana cream pie.
Off appointments.

 Dinner....leftover replay.
 The pie tasted great!
 Time to get back to my book.
Night all.


  1. The green grass is looking good, and I wonder if you ever get ducks or water birds coming to the pond? Banana pie, yummy.

  2. Hope the weekend sun dries everything up a bit. Rained here most of the day too. The dogs don't like to go out in it either. At least we are using less hay and they are eating more grass.

  3. Think it's time to buy some fish for that pond 😆


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