Saturday, April 15, 2017

Above Normal Temps....

 Another beautiful start to the day.

 After chores I tried out our new mower and was very pleased...much nicer than our old one.
 Then I made a quick trip to Wegmans and worked around the yard before it started to rain.
  Fully intended to read, but that never happened.  Watched a movie instead.
 Pizza in the iron frying pan was on tap for dinner tonight.

 For some reason the crust was thicker and not so crispy.  Next time
I'm going to spread it thinner on a cookie sheet.
 I tucked the girls in around 7:30.  The temperature is supposed to hang at about 60!

 Early evening was the warmest part of the day.

Night all.


  1. Getting a new ride-on mower must be catching. Hugh ( and I ) bought a new one last week, Garden Castle, bright red, made in Italy, mows perfectly. Lovely new header, a super model.

  2. Love the new header! Great pictures of the day. We're supposed to hit 80 today... I don't believe it. Have a Happy Easter!

  3. Pizza in a pan :) pizza is on our list for tomorrow!!

  4. Love seeing LW in the header! I use a pizza stone and spread out the crust pretty thing. Works well.

  5. My hubby got a new one 3 yrs ago, mower that is. I have no clue how to run it and now he is the mower, not me. He says I am welcome to push the little mower..hmmm.
    We've had warm weather which is bringing out out the wildflowers!
    Rain and warm, warm and rain...

  6. We used to have a ride on mower, Dad used to let me sit on it, it made me feel so grown up!


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