Monday, March 6, 2017


No post tonight.
Just spent 7+ hours in the emergency room with a kidney stone.


  1. Oh my. I have never had one, but those are so painful. They say they are worse than childbirth. Hope you are feeling better. Lis

  2. Oh no! That's awful and so painful. Feel better and rest.

  3. Holy cow!! You live such a healthy life you should never have problems. Are you OK?

  4. I just came across your link on one of my blogs - forgot how much I love visiting here. Sorry to read about your stones - hope you feel lots better now that you have had treatment.

  5. Oh Lori, and you still managed words and those beautiful tulips. I hope it has passed, been zapped, and you are pain free again. They say this is the most painful experience of all times. Hugs and lots of TLC from all doggies, and the cats, will aid recovery so well, and I am sure Gary is extra busy today. XXX

  6. Oh no. Sending lots of healing vibes
    Lily & Edward

  7. Oh my goodness - I've heard how horribly painful they are to pass. Please take it easy and let your body recover!

  8. Hope you are feeling better. I know how horrible kidney stones can be.

  9. I don't know why there are no comments! I hope you are doing okay. Please feel better!
    I know dealing with those stones are not 'fun' at all.
    Well wishes from our farm to yours.

  10. Ouchie! Never had one but I heard it is awful:(

  11. Yikes! I've been so out of the loop I had to read all the way back to see what was going on. Glad you are okay. Right?


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