Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Big Melt....50 degrees

However, the temperature is going down to the teens tonight with a high of 26 tomorrow.
After that, things should start to improve.

 This afternoon an insurance adjuster is coming to check out the wind damage that we had.
 Phoebe and Little Wonder stuck with me all through morning chores and proceeded to get 
very muddy.

 It was so nice to have class today, after missing it the past two weeks.

 I am looking forward to getting back in my regular groove.
 We took it easy this afternoon.

 It felt so good to have sunshine and some "heat."

 I'd say that over 50% of our snow has disappeared.

 Paul, the insurance adjuster, arrived a little before 5 and checked everything out.  He sure knew his business when it came to roofing.
 Gary had seen Martha Stewart making a pizza in an iron frying pan, so I thought I would try it.
 Of course the dough was made by Carina!
And the sauce was made by me from scratch.
 I put a lot of onions/roasted red peppers/tomatoes in it.
 Topped it with cheese and baked it at 430 until the bottom of the crust was browning.
 It was delish.  You should try it.  Very crispy!
 At 6:30 I drove down to the village for a Town Board Workshop.

 Beautiful skies!

 Home at 9:30 and ready to crash.
Night all.


  1. Oh, that night sky is so beautiful. Taking it easy, I'm SOOO glad to read those words. That might just be what the Dr ordered.

  2. We've had freezing nights and temperate days which is pretty nice. I'm heading to northern WI this weekend. We will have some rain and mud starting tomorrow so time to get things set up again so we don't get stuck with the skid steer in the muck!
    I'm so happy to see you back at it, you must feel much better!

  3. You crack us up how you hang out with kitty
    Lily & Edward


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