Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Gamut...

We had it all today.
 There was color in the sky for about a minute....
 then it started to sprinkle (still in the 50s).
 Karen tried one of my blankets on Angel as her blankets were rubbing on her shoulders and this one has a closed front.  I wish all of my blankets had closed fronts, they fit so much better.

The girls stayed out in the rain for awhile...

 I went back in the house.
Will have to do a time lapse with all of these tulip photos.
 They just keep hanging on and are still interesting.

 By 10:30 it was pouring, the temperature was falling and the horses were put back inside.
Aren't they pretty?  Soaked.

 It's a good thing I had an umbrella.

 It finally stopped raining around 1:30, just when our power went off.
Back to the barn, brushed all 4 of the girls and put on blankets.
By then it was near 40 and windy.

 I had reset the stalls earlier, and it was my turn to do chores tonight.

 At that time, we had a least 2 more minutes of color in the sky.
Tonight it's supposed to go down to the 20s.  Yipppeeeee.
 I had purchased some frozen pizza dough from Carina and decided to try it out tonight.
 Gary sauteed mushrooms and onions for me while I was out in the barn.
 So, the pizza was topped with both of those, a few leftover cherry tomatoes, roasted red peppers and cheese.  The crust was nice and thin.

 Now it's time to get my achy body in front of the fire.
For the past month I have felt so gimpy when I first stand up.
What the heck!!!!
Night all.


  1. Lovely header photo of Berlin. What a day, stay warm and keep those aches and pains away. Maybe another layer of merino!!! We are having such dark skies in the mornings now, autumn in all the leaves, and it is still only February.

  2. I'm here in Tennessee and I think from here to Virginia we've had the full range of weather too - Nearly 80 on Friday to frosty cold this morning. I love spring... And I'd love to try that pizza!

    I hope you're having an enjoyable Sunday!

  3. Love the pictures of the pups. And that pizza looks wonderful.

  4. I've been hobbling when I first get up/stand up but I work out of it pretty quickly. Still, unsettling :-/.


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