Friday, February 3, 2017

Good News...

This morning was like most weekday mornings.

 I find that putting hay on this plastic sled works the best when there is snow on the ground.

 A couple of days ago I did something to put a strain on both of my hips (throwing down hay and shoveling) so I passed on Agape today.  Giving myself a rest as I don't like
 walking around like an old lady.
Yesterday it was Seymour, today Sidney kept Little Wonder company.

At 1pm I had my annual appointment in Rochester for a mammogram.  I always sit in the same place so I can watch the fish.

While waiting for the results, I spent almost an hour and a half reading.
Fortunately, everything was ok.
 Decided to take the long way home and stopped at a Big M store in Gates so
I could renew my stash of soap.
It can't be found anywhere else and has been my long time favorite.  Wegmans stopped
stocking it many years ago.  Why?
 Meanwhile back at the farm, Little Wonder ran out the door as soon as I opened it, 
and would not come back in.
 He kept looking through the window
 and finally decided to join me.
 Gary was at a meeting, Karen was doing chores and I started on dinner.
Sweet Italian sausage with peppers and onions.
 Served it with a simple salad and a hunk of cheese.
Really good!  Can't even remember when we had this,
it has been so long.
 Now it's time to get back to the fire.
 Night all.

This is post #5555!


  1. Congratulations on your huge number of posts, that's a landmark! Good to hear everything was good with the mammogram. It's always a relief when you get a good report. Love the dogs in their coats,too cute. Take it easy for a few days and rest those muscles.

  2. I use a sled both in the summer and winter. However, it works best with snow!
    I also use a wheel barrow in the summer sometimes. I prefer dragging the sled though.


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