Monday, February 6, 2017

Featuring Seymour

Slightly warmer.

 I went to Agape late, but at least I made it for the usual.
20 elliptical/20 bike.
 This afternoon Seymour was dying to have his picture taken.

 He and Little Wonder sure have become best buds.

Around 4:30 I went down to help Sally and Judy with some packing and invited them
up to the farm for dinner.

 A salad with apples, craisins, walnuts and homemade croutons.
 Carina's Challah bread.
 And Mac and Cheese with caramelized onions and bacon.
 Just the best comfort food.
 We even had gingerbread for dessert.
 Judy held LW the whole way home the day I was able to pick him up.
She was very surprised at how much bigger he is now.
Sally is going to be heading south in the next week or two and we are really
going to miss her, especially at our dinners.
A very enjoyable usual.
Night all.


  1. I love the photo shoot of Seymour - very handsome lad. Does LW eat snow? He's precious!

  2. Seymour is a very handsome boy and very photogenic. There's nothing better than good friends, comfort food and a warm fire.

  3. Wow I sure do love those plates with the blue designs! They really caught my eye!
    Love Seymour too!


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