Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Foggy Foggy Dew....

 The visibility was pretty poor until we got back in the house.
On my way to the Sunday Jam, it was still down to the ground.

 We had a small group today, only 8....
 but we sang a lot of songs and picked up a couple of new ones.

 Chore duty tonight and the temperature had dropped by the time I got out to the barn.
All the horses had rolled, and Angel and Maggie looked like they had been playing in the water.

 Still foggy....

 I made chicken Helen for dinner (chicken thighs that I pounded flat, then dipped in eggs and a combo of breadcrumbs and Romano cheese).
 Served it with Bazmati rice, green beans and coleslaw.
 (After browning the chicken in a frying pan, it was placed in the oven topped with a big squirt of honey/dijon mustard).
Amazing flavor!
 Now the dogs have left the kitchen
 and followed me into the library.
Such sweet companions.
Over and out.
Night all.


  1. Your photos of the fog are really beautiful, and have such a peace about them.

    I'm glad your day was an good one for all 2 and 4 leggers from start to finish.

  2. We are a scared of the fog monster
    Lily & Edward

  3. It's nice to have company no matter where you are in the house! Foggy here too and now it's windy and heading for rain...yet again.


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