Monday, January 2, 2017

Making a Comeback....

After having a pain in the gut night (there has to be a bug going around) I managed to get up and out this morning.  That fresh air was a big help.

 After chores I took it easy for much of the day.
I did need to go to Wegmans so I was forced to leave the farm.
Tonight Judy made dinner for us.  We picked up Sally on the way and enjoyed a great meal.
 Always a pleasure to spend time together.
 We had stuffed baked potatoes
 green beans with bacon and mushrooms...
and I made a salad with oranges, craisins and bananas.
 Sally brought cranberry and lemon squares
 which we topped with fresh raspberries.
 After dinner we sat by the fire
 and it did not take me very long to crash.
 Judy is the perfect hostess, and can she cook!
The pups were happy to see us when we got back to the farm, and they did not want me to take
their pictures.

So I did not get any good shots!
Night all.


  1. Looks like a great dinner. Hope you're feeling better.

  2. Hope those peoples dropped something on the floor for you. There is a kootie bug going around here too. Hope you feel better
    Happy New Year
    Lily & Edward

  3. Hope you are doing better! It stinks to get sick.


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