Monday, January 30, 2017

A Leisurely Afternoon...

Woke up to the teens.  Per usual (as of late) Phoebe did not go to the barn with me.

 When Little Wonder and I were finished, Princess Phoebe was ready to go out for a few minutes.

 I went to Agape around 9:45 and did my usual.
No more treadmill as I am giving my hip a break.
                                         20 minutes/elliptical and 20 minutes/bike.                                        
 Got home at 11, took a quick shower and was off to my friend Ann's for lunch and bridge.
 Such a ladylike break.

 We spent more time jabbering than playing cards.
As you can see, this hand was not too great.
 The sun had started going down on my way home.
 It was way too late to start dinner so we went out for a sandwich.
Love these vacation days.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday morning it was 4 degrees, this morning it is 30.
    LW doesn't seem to be bothered by the weather at all! What a champ!


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