Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Winding Down

 There was a tiny bit of snow left when we went out to the barn this morning.

 After cleaning the stalls I went up to the loft so I could throw down some hay.
This is one of the cat houses up there.  So fancy.....
 Karen needs to get a little more second cutting, but I am in pretty good shape for the duration.

 The girls were loving all the grass that was available

 and it was so nice I decided to pick the pastures.

 Once Maggie got over by the water, she moved into her pawing mode.  
You can count on it.

 I ended up picking until 11:30 and got most of the area in pretty good shape 
(before it snows again).
Took it easy this afternoon and started gathering information needed for our taxes.

Of course my butt was right next to the fire.
 Tonight we were invited to Jenny's for dinner.
 Everything she made was to perfection!
Pork tenderloin with carrots and onions, asparagus....
 and salad.
 After dinner we played a word game that the boys got for Christmas
Tonight they were with Kevin visiting Grampa Tom, so we gave it a try.
 Many laughs!  Gary took it very you can see and hear.

Thanks Jenny and Scott.  You sure know your way around the kitchen.
 (Could not resist grabbing a shot of the lights next door).
When we got home, Little Wonder took his normal position next to me...
he hangs in there while I write in my Journal.

Night all.


  1. Dinner looked delicious! Snows almost gone here too but we're getting more today if the weatherman is right.

  2. Oh little one you are precious
    Lily & Edward

  3. Dinner looks great! And, I love seeing pictures of LW.


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