Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Eve Eve....

The sun was waiting for me when I went out to the barn.

Both dogs were with me for the duration.

 I'm still worried about Sidney, tho he did eat today.
 I just went out to check on him and he seemed to be more interested in food.

 Late morning I ran a few last minute errands.
 Phoebe and Little Wonder kept me company and we were done in no time.

Spent a good part of the day getting ready for Christmas Eve.

 It will sure make it easier tomorrow.

 Tonight we were invited over to the Ketchums for Christmas Eve Eve.
Always an absolute feast.


 ...and that is just part of what we had.

 After dinner we did a little singing...

then we headed back to the farm.
Always a good time with very gracious hosts.
Thank you Pam and Greg.
Tomorrow I have to prepare Swedish Meatballs, ham and rice pudding for 
our Christmas Eve pot luck get together.  
Need some rest.
Night all.


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful evening.

  2. I cannot get over how cute Little Wonder is - What a handsome dude he's growing into!

    I hope Sidney continues to feel better. No one, two or four legged shouldn't feel well at Christmas and miss a feast - Yours looks AH-MAZING!

    (¸.•´(¸. ¸.•Merry Christmas Lori! Thank-you for your always kind and thoughtful comments this past year. I look so forward to our cyber-friendship continuing in 2017!

  3. It looks chilly willy over there. Look at all that good food. Hope some buddy dropped something
    Lily & Edward


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