Wednesday, December 7, 2016

And Then What?

What can I say?  Another gorgeous sunrise.

 The front paddock was muddier than ever.

 The beautiful sunrise looked like this by the time I finished chores.

 I spent a lot of time reading today and did not get to Wegmans until after 3.
Jenny, Scott and the boys are coming to dinner tomorrow night and I am going to prepare the German Sausage we purchased the day we went to lunch at the Swan Market.
The sun was setting on my way home.

 I made a batch of sauce with meatballs and served it with shells and a salad.
Just what the Doctor ordered.
 After dinner, the pups figured out that we were leaving.
 Little Wonder was concerned and Phoebe did not care.
 Tonight there was a concert at the high school featuring 6th graders.
It started off with the orchestra....
 and was followed by the chorus.  These kids had such sweet voices.

Then it was Cooper's turn.  He plays the trumpet in the band.

 These kids were great as 5th graders and this year they were even better.

 On the way home I took some drive by photos of Christmas Decorations in the village.
Gary was driving and the car was moving.

I'll get serious about this when I am on my own and can stop the car.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great when kids play in a band. It's amazing how much better they get from year to year.

    Love the pictures of decorations. I can see there was no stopping the driver on the way home!


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