Saturday, November 12, 2016

Two French Bulldogs!

What a day.
Very cold this morning and another magnificent sunrise.

 Our bedroom fills up with light, and you can't sleep through it.
 It was in the low 30s, so the pups wore their fleece jackets to the barn.

 Little Wonder is getting pretty brave when we are out in the pasture.

 There was a sale on shavings, so after chores I grabbed Gary's van and drove down to Country Max to pick up 14 bags.
 He spent most of the day outside and he has now moved the entire dump truck of leaves to his gardens.  One more dump truck to go.

It warmed up to the 40s this afternoon.

 I started a fire in the kitchen and worked on a couple of songs that I want to take to our first jam session without Jim (tomorrow).  Bob Dylan's "Any Day Now....I Will Be Released" and Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."  Both are so beautiful.
Finally into my reading groove and spent some time pouring over my Kindle.
 Sack o City for the dogs.

 Late afternoon Gary brought in the mail, and there was a box addressed to:
Phoebe + Little Wonder!
 It was sent to us by Edward and Lily, who live in California!
 Several years ago I discovered this blog and at the time it was "Benny and Lily".  So well tho they were speaking.  People all around the world were very saddened when Benny was diagnosed with cancer and helped support his treatments.  He ended up losing his battle and some time later, Edward came on the scene to keep Lily company.  We have be communicating back and forth for a long time.
WELL! Today we received this present and can't believe it!
This note was inside.

 Holy Moly....what a  surprise!
We got treats....
 a new toy....
 and two winter jackets!
 We tried them on right away....
 Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Whatever did we do to deserve this surprise?????
I can't say enough about all the people I have met from all over this country and around the world.
My Journal has been kept every day for almost 9 years and has brought me nothing but pleasure.
You can't imagine how much we learn about each other and it has been even more special when I have been able to meet some of my followers face to face.  It all started when "thecrazysheeplady" showed up from Kentucky.  We have been friends for years with many more visits and are in touch on a very regular basis.  I even found her a horse up here.

                       At chore time the evening sky was soft and the moon was turning yellow.

 It was pretty dark by the time the girls were tucked in.

 When we got back in the house, Little Wonder played non-stop with his new snake.
 He wants Edward and Lily to know that he's on a mission to get that squeaker out of there.

 Dinner was an instant replay.
 You are to be congratulated if you got to the end of this marathon post!
Night all.


  1. Wow, a huge moon, super moon will be down here tomorrow night ( Monday 14th Nov), gifts in the mail, and when a surprise they are always the best,Love those wee coats, your sky trails, and those leaves, knee deep might be the right term for Gary out there.

  2. Love their new jackets. That was very nice of their buddies to send them gifts to keep them warm. I'm sure the squeaker in the toy doesn't stand a chance. I know the ones around here don't!

  3. Great always :-). We have all enjoyed meeting you as well!

  4. I will have to check out those two French bulldogs. What a wonderful surprise!


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