Monday, November 28, 2016

Sunshine Returns....

 After chores I went out and picked the pastures.  There was still frost on the ground.

 At 9am, all kinds of trucks started coming into our driveway as part of our house roof has been leaking and needed to be replaced...and they were ready to do it.
 The sound in the house was very scary to the dogs...Little Wonder was shaking.
I took them out in the big yard so they could see what was going on.

 The horses were also reacting to the sound and were running back and forth in the pastures.

 LW really got upset when this huge truck backed in (beeping) to drop off
 a dumpster.
 What a mess.

 At 1:30 my friend Jean (visiting from Mo.) brought her dog out to meet ours.
His name is (Lone) Ranger....such a cutie and so like LW.
The back yard was out of the question so after 5 minutes in the house,
 we decided to go down to the village for a walk.
Arjuna always has gorgeous windows.
 The Methodist Church was doing the sweetest thing.  They had all kinds of scarves, hats and mittens hanging on a clothesline for people to take.

Meanwhile, we continued our walk

 through neighborhoods
 over the Canal
 (none of the dogs liked crossing the bridges)

 and down the path next to the water.

 When we got back to the farm it was playtime.  
LW had to share his toys.

 Phoebe did not get into the playtime....but they were all tired when
Jean and Ranger were ready to leave.
 I had a late afternoon meeting, and by the time I left the farm the roofers were putting on the rolled paper in preparation for tomorrow.

 Did not get home until 7:45 and picked up a meatball sub for dinner.
Gary had a salad ready and waiting.
Night all.


  1. Oh no! Good thing the roofing can wrap up tomorrow, we've had no stop rain this evening so I'm sure it's coming your way next. Funny, Barbie totally freaks out over certain beeping too. The other thing is the click of a lighter. I have to leave her in a bedroom and turn in music loud to be able to light candles! Hate to even imagine what makes them afraid of these noises.

  2. Those trucks are noisy. I can see why all the critters were a little scared. So nice LW had a playmate for the day.

  3. You will appreciate that new roof this winter. It is pouring rain here. Love your photos Lorie they always make me smile. Hug B

  4. We don't blame you for being scared. I would have screamed
    Lily (& Edward)


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