Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Salon Day For Phoebe

Not quite as cold as it was yesterday morning.
Many times the brilliant sunrise turns grey before you know it, and that's what happened today.

By 8 o'clock.

I wandered over to the raspberry patch and found a few...that's pretty much it.
The only thing left is brussells sprouts.  I can't wait to roast some.
 Gary has now finished putting two dump trucks of leaves on the gardens and they are all set
for any kind of weather. 

 After chores
 I went to Agape.
20 min. elliptical/20 min. bike/10 min. treadmill.
Fortunately I am able to read (Kindle) while I'm doing this and it makes the time fly.

 At 2, Phoebe had an appointment with the groomer and of course 
Little Wonder went along for the ride.
 He had lots of kisses for Sherri.
 Phoebe just stayed under the table and was not too excited to be there.
As soon as we left she was (as usual) fine.

 I had 2 hours to kill, so we went to pick a few apples
 and then went for a visit with Sally.  After 5 minutes of hugs and more kisses he took a nap and did not move for almost an hour.  I was very proud of his behavior.
 We picked up Phoebe, who looked like a little fluff ball, and were home a little after 4.

Gary is headed out for a board/dinner meeting and I am going to go out and start a fire after I put on some pjs.
Night all.


  1. Phoebe looks like a little princess. Great pictures.

  2. What a good little boy he is! It has been quite warm here actually - I fell asleep in the garden yesterday!

  3. What a wonder he has been. LW brings you so much joy and it seems Phoebe likes him too!
    Last night was an early to bed thing for me.
    Early up this morning to catch a magnificent predawn show on the ridge.

  4. Oh Phoebe you look beautiful! Little Wonder looked so sad when you were gone BOL
    Lily & Edward


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