Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Another Break in the Weather.

59 degrees today.

 It was so beautiful I decided to go for what could be the final trike ride of 2016.
Naturally it turned grey just before I left.

 Home again, home again.
Only about 4+ miles with a few hills.

 We had a few sprinkles this afternoon, but that was about it.
 At 3 I went down to TJ Maxx to pick up a couple things and the sun was setting on my way home.
 I had picked up some sesame chicken at Weggies and when I got home started on a stir fry...
 and some lomain.

 Put everything together and it was delicious!

 Little Wonder now has a favorite spot....our bed.
 Whenever I can't find him, that's where he is hiding out.

He's there now.
Night all.
The roof is done and today Big Ash came to clean out the wood stoves and chimneys.
Little Wonder was afraid of all the equipment and barked his head off.
All this exposure is good for him.


  1. Rain all day for us, but I'm not complaining because we need it. I think it's headed in your direction. However it was a nice day to be home with Wegmans chili doctored up at the end of our day. What would we do without Wegmans? :-)

    And what a handsome little boy Little Wonder is growing to be I'd let him sleep with me!

  2. It's been pouring here for the last two days but the sun finally came out this morning. Temps are warm so I'm going to start putting up Christmas decorations today. LW is adorable, leave it to the pups to find the most comfortable spot. I woke up this morning to Ginger standing on my head licking my face. She jumps up now every morning and after I'm out of bed for a snuggle with my pillow.


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