Sunday, October 2, 2016

What A Day

 Sunny and a little warmer this morning.

 We had quite a bit of rain last night and the paddock was very muddy.

 Fortunately, the pastures were in good shape.

 Right after chores I went over to the studio to do more work on my painting.  It's still not finished but we took it down to the gallery.

 Everyone showed up and we had things pretty set by 12:30.
 It never would have happened without Kathy W., the gallery owner.
 This year we have several guest artists.  They are all friends who do beautiful work and I love having the public see their latest pieces.
Below...Al Cretney-wood carver.
 The peppers were painted by Tina Eibl and two of her friends.
Amy Harris (former student) and Sara Cook (long time pal).
A real departure for these three women.  They all have other work in the show.
 Brenda Cretney (friend and watercolorist) surprised me with this painting of Gucci and it was very emotional for me.
 The painting below is by Bing Rath (long time friend) who is self taught.
The subject is the Middle School here in Brockport.  (Many years ago it was the High School).
 We finished hanging the show just before our Sunday Jam started.
Great turnout today.

 Jim Foote has done a great job, bringing all of us together.  
Pure pleasure and I love the group.

Gary had duty at the Welcome Center today and both of us were gone for hours.
Little Wonder managed to be a good boy, happy to go out when we got back to the farm.
Phoebe, of course, can always be counted on to set a good example.
 We got a major volume of rain this afternoon before we got home, but it had stopped by 3.

 Lots of glads lately.....

Now that it's getting dark earlier, the girls get tucked in before 7.
Miss Piggy enjoyed getting wet and rolling...again.
 A simple, but delicious dinner.
First I sauteed some onions and set them aside.  Then I made a very simple cheese sauce out of whatever I had.  Tossed pasta with that, the onions and some cut up, fresh, Roma tomatoes.
A no brainer and very good.
Night all!

Here is a sneak peak at one of the student pieces that will be in the show.
A pastel drawing by Pam Radford.

Don't forget....
The opening is this coming Friday, October 7th (7-8:30)
at A Different Path Gallery on Market Street.


  1. Lovely art for the exhibition, Little Wonder, how good is that? Beautiful glads, and I can see your days are have less sunlight in the mornings now.

  2. Love how that painting captures Gucci's expression so well. And I love the colors in your painting -- and the viewpoint; very creative.


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