Friday, September 30, 2016

The Heat Is On....

The house was cold today so we eventually turned on the furnace.  First time.
No complaints here.

  A lot of in and out.
Little Wonder got some exercise chasing balls.

 Phoebe was not interested.
 Wrestling was more fun.

 I worked on biographies to post with my student's work that will be hanging in the show that goes up on Sunday, otherwise....not much was accomplished.  Tomorrow I MUST finish my painting or it will not be going in the show.

We were invited to dinner tonight at Joanne and Jim Cs so I made some roasted squash to take along.

 There were 6 of us....
 and it was a delicious meal.
 chicken, squash, crusty bread
 and a great salad.

 Two pies for dessert!

 Boy, did we hear some good stories.
 Night all.


  1. Love the pictures of Phoebe and LW wrestling. We turned the heat on here too.

  2. Little Wonder is so stinkin' cute! I wouldn't get anything accomplished if I had him around!
    We were in your neck of the woods last week. Apologies for not connecting. Wanted to, but knew our schedule was crammed and most of the fun was taking place down by the Finger Lakes. What I really wanted to do was to take an art class! Next time! I wish there were a way to take your foodie pictures and turn them into food in my house!


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