Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ho Hum....

 Morning sun, chores, dragging, mowing, meeting.
The salad....marinated asparagus on romaine with tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and crumbly blue.
Leftover sloppy Joe sliders....yum.

Night all.


  1. I've missed your food inspiration! The salad looks / sounds amazing.
    Very cute pups :)

  2. The salad looks colourful and nice! Cute critters too ♥

  3. You make it sound like a boring day in your title. You still got a lot accomplished and managed to take great pictures and put together a pretty and delicious dinner. We should all have your energy!

  4. Is that your outdoor riding area!!? Oh my word, I would be thrilled to have such a wonderful place to ride! You have an indoor too don't you??? Oh, my dreams...
    Your dinner looks yummy!

  5. Great shot of the onions hanging - how lovely and rustic! I plan on planting the garlic this weekend :) and some tulips too!

  6. We seem to be doing a lot of eating out lately. Mainly village pubs and old inns;we usually have things like roast beef, and if we find a good, reliable place, we stick to it. Natch! - (short form of naturally, Lori).


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