Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Debut Of Little Wonder Dog....

A gorgeous morning.

 After chores I started to mow the lawn.  In the meantime, Mary called to see if I wanted to go to the pool with her.  At 12:30 I gave up and drove over.
 The water was heavenly.
 Judy met me there at 2 and we headed over to East Irond. to pick up Little Wonder.
Patricia brought him outside as soon as we got there and he ran right over to me.
After we did the paper work and played with him, we were ready to go back home.
 There I am with my pool hair...
 This was Patricia's 26th foster dog.  It can't be easy to give them up.
She did a great job with this pup as he is very tuned in and adaptable.
 I'm so glad Judy was with me, as she held him the whole way home.

 We had left her car at Roger and Tina's so we had a good excuse for stopping there.

 He didn't know what to think of CJ.

 From there, we were on our own, going back to the farm.
He seemed very relaxed in the car.
I got him a car seat, but it didn't arrive until after I got home.  Oh well.  We will use it from now on....unless he gets big!  I'm thinking that he might be Yorkie crossed with a Rat Terrier.  He weighs 7 1/2 pounds and looks like a shepherd.

 Of course Phoebe was very reserved.  Little Wonder could not figure out why she didn't want to play.   In time.....

 He loves Gary and runs right over to him when he is called.

 Patricia taught him to fetch....Gary wondered if he wanted a soccer ball.....Ha!
 We spent the afternoon going in and out and so far he has had one accident in the house.
I had chore duty and
 finished up a little after 7.  Gary was in charge of the pup, who slept on his lap the whole time.
 When he and Phoebe went out in the back yard, he already knew enough to scratch on the door when he was ready to come in.  What a smarty.
 Phoebe did not want her dinner, but Little Wonder was famished by 5:30.  I fed him in his crate and left the door open.  He had the run of the house as soon as he arrived...we just have to tune in.
A little before 8 we went down to 58 Main for dinner and to listen to Ronnie Watts, who was soloing there.

 She is only 15 and following in her Dad's footsteps.
This was my favorite song.

 We were gone for a little over an hour and Little Wonder spent that time in his crate.
Very happy to see us when we got home and is now sacked out behind my chair.
I know I got the right dog!
Night all.


  1. What a cutie! He looks like he fits right in and is glad to be home. I have a feeling that it won't take long for Phoebe to be playing with him and showing him the ropes. He's just too adorable!

  2. How sweet. He looks like a fine little dog and I love his markings!

  3. He looks adorable and I agree, that he was the right dog. Phoebe will come around.


  4. That is a really nice pup! I wish you the best with him.

  5. What a precious pup! Glad Little Wonder found a home with you!

  6. Ignore previous question about what type of dog he is! This answered it!!

  7. Ahhh, at last I arrived at the post where you got this gorgeous pup. What a wonderful foster mum he had. And now he has you. ENJOY!


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