Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Just Like A Vacation Day

 I was just about ready to go out and do chores when a truck pulled in the driveway loaded with wood chips.  They were dumped next to the shed roof.
 After finishing the stalls, I started wheelbarrowing them into the run-in area.

 Little Wonder and Phoebe were assisting.

 Look at those big ponies!!!!

 While I was sweeping out the feed room a song came on that we sing at the jam sessions.
Wagon Wheel....I love to harmonize to the chorus, so I sang it to Little Wonder.
Not exactly a clear picture or great recording, but Brenda wondered if I would have the nerve to post it.  Ha ha.

 Gary got home from Java and his walk a little after 9:30 and helped me move most of the chips.
I had just enough time to grab a shower and change before my class started.
 It was bread delivery day!

 Carina and her two kids arrived with every kind of bread she makes...some of it was still warm
and it smelled so good.
 She could not leave until we all placed our orders for next week.
 Of course the pups joined me for class.

 At noon Brenda arrived to join four of us as we were going out to lunch and to the Art Store.

 We decided to eat at Phillips European
 which is known for it's spectacular desserts.

 Boy, did we pick the right restaurant.  Great atmosphere....

 amazing food and excellent service.

 Below is our Chocolate/Raspberry Torte after we attacked it.
One piece and 5 forks.
 We all left the Art Store with bags full of supplies.
After I got back to the farm I checked out the pile of wood chips.  Gary finished moving the last four loads and we were done.
 Much better!

I had a very long Town Board meeting that started at 5 and now it's time to rest.
Night all.

Phoebe and Little Wonder are starting to play together.
A very good sign.


  1. Busy day. Looks like the pup was a big hit at art class. That torte looked delicious.

  2. What an interesting contraption that adorable baby is tied to his mother with! I'm sure it was great to have LWD in class and the bonus was that he was exhausted.

  3. I'm so happy they are playing :-D. He is sure cute!

  4. Love the fact that you take Little Wonder to all these events and let him meet everyone! It is great socialization for him!
    You look like you are busy busy!

  5. Hi Lori, that restaurant looks perfect in every way. I just love seeing your new pup and how your dogs (and cats) are always part of whatever you're doing. I totally relate to this.


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