Sunday, July 31, 2016


 Nothing unusual about chores.
 It looked like we could have some rain...but it took several more hours before we got just a little.

 Several months ago I was asked to act as a host for an upcoming event for Jenny's boss, who is up for election as a State Assemblymember.  We had a terrific committee and I offered to design the invitation.  I photoshopped one of my sunflower shots and was happy with the way it worked out. 
(this is part of it)
Well, today was the day... and another of my duties was to make a couple of centerpieces.
Gary was kind enough to gather two buckets of sunflowers so I could carry out the theme.
A basket was perfect for the table....
 and I had a very large vase to use at the entrance door.
 We put two crates in the back of my car so they would not tip over on the way.
 Jenny and Charlsey both work for Harry and were on the scene to meet and greet.

 The event was held in a gallery...such a unique space.

 Two of our very talented committee members made dozens and dozens of cookies.

 We also served cheese, crackers, grapes, and a variety of drinks.
The presentation was gorgeous.

 These two sweet babies were on the scene part of the time.
Brother and sister.
 Made me think about Sage and how happy he could be in a secure and caring home.

 The harpist added a very nice touch.
 Harry and Jenny make a good team (she is his chief of staff).

 After he said a few words, there was a silent auction...
 and we had the place cleaned up in no time.
Anyone who liked cookies took home a bag full!

I was tired when I got back to the farm and took a break before going 
out to tuck the girls in for the night.
 I was not home for the rain, and when I left the barn it had cooled down a bit.
The sky was still bright.
 Seeing that I had no lunch and ate cheese, crackers and cookies this afternoon...
dinner was a salad.  Our own red leaf lettuce topped with nectarines, blueberries, green & red grapes, banana and a little onion.  The dressing was balsamic peach vinegar and cold pressed Canola oil.  So good.
 At 8pm Carina (Heritage Bell Farm) delivered two loaves of bread and picked up cucumbers, garlic and sunflowers.  We are having a great time going back and forth with buying, selling and bartering.
She wants to be a stay at home mom, while trying to earn money doing things at the farm.
Such a pro and so creative!
 Above is her Rustic Hearth Bread 
and below...Farmhouse Sandwich Bread.
No more buying it at Wegmans when we have this for an option.
I think many of my friends are going to be placing orders.
Night all.


  1. Everything you did for the reception was gorgeous!! When are you getting Sage? It is so rewarding having a "handicapped" dog.

  2. Even the furry kids were invited!!
    Lily & Edward


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