Monday, July 25, 2016

Over The Rainbow....

Mid morning it rained!  For quite awhile!
 In the distance there was thunder and lightning, so I fed the girls under the shed roof.

 There were all kinds of storm warnings in this part of the state, but we only got moderate rain.

As part of our Monday delivery from Carina, we opted for 6 blueberry muffins and 1 loaf of artisan bread instead of 2 loaves of bread.
Hands down, the best muffins I have ever tasted!  She is such an amazing baker.
 I ran a couple of errands (of course that is when it was pouring) and decided to make sauce when I got back to the farm.  This time I put in a zucchini along with everything else.

It stayed grey until late afternoon, when I went out to check on the horses.
As soon as Maggie and Angel saw me near the fence they came over to get hosed off.
Abbe and Berlin, on the other hand, go in the opposite direction.

We had blue skies, heavy humidity and it was 15 degrees warmer.
A perfect rainbow was over the barns.

 Dinner was delicious.
The salad had red leaf lettuce and cucumbers from our garden.

 Time to relax like Sidney.  It got so hot this afternoon.
 Night all.


  1. Wow that rainbow was beautiful. I love it! Our lettuce is just about at it's end and I need to plant some in the shade of the sunflowers again after we get a cool down.
    Those storms dropped 3.5 inches of rain on us in two days and it was nasty with lightening!

  2. look at those sunflowers, gorgeous. Not hot here, snowing on the ski fields, and the fire is lit. Yummy food, as always.


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