Thursday, July 21, 2016

Morning 'til Night

 Yesterday the field next to our property was worked up.  What are they going to do?  Plant crops or a four acre lawn?
 After chores I drove down to The Center to pick up a few items from our event last Sunday.  The garden Gary planted was doing very well.
 While I was gone, Phoebe and Seymour spent a lot of time sacked out in the living room.

 Ariana brought us this new "door bell" which we are now using.
Thank you Steph!
 The temperature went up to 92 today and I got ahead of it by closing the windows while the house was still at 68 degrees.  So far so good.  Tomorrow it will hit 90 again, but I'm hoping we get a little rain with the heat and high humidity.

I spent the afternoon inside...finished a book and made some potato salad for supper.
By 7 I was down at the Welcome Center for 
 Tonight's entertainment featured the Brockport Big Band.
 What a great group of musicians.

 I packed the potato salad, pickled beets and iced tea in a basket and brought it along so Gary, Jenny, Scott and I could have a little dinner.  They rode their bikes to the Welcome Center.
 She brought subs leftover from a lunch meeting she had today, so we were all set.

 Ben M. sang with the band again.  He was so well received.

 This couple sat across the canal and listened to the music.

Just before we left, this appeared in the sky....  It looked huge in the distance, but when it was brought down it was quite small. Have you seen a drone yet?
The sunset was beautiful.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. That sky is beautiful. I haven't seen a drone yet but I'm not a big fan. Looks like a fun time with the band playing.


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