Monday, July 11, 2016

Flowers For My Table...

Another nice morning.

 After chores I dropped Phoebe off at the groomers and went over to The Center.
The veggie garden is doing very well.

 I went upstairs to check on some quilts that will be hung up in the Octagon room and was very impressed with all the activity.
 Bob S. was working on the grounds as a volunteer.  I can't imagine how many hours he has put in.
Well over one hundred and very much appreciated.
 Next stop was Agape.  I had not been there for over a week and needed to get back in the groove.
 I picked Phoebe up at noon and we went back to the farm.
Judy C. called me as she and Randy are on a week long vacation in this area.
I invited them to dinner and got started as I only had 3 1/2 hours to get everything done.

 Don't forget to put caramelized onions on your next salad.

 I made vegetarian sauce/pasta, a spinach salad, zucchini parm and served it with the artisan bread that was brought over by Carina (today we battered for spinach and leaf lettuce). Can't beat bartering!
 Judy and Randy left around 9 with some of Gary's garlic.
As I have said before, she is one of the best cooks I have ever met!
Now that they live in Florida full time, we no longer get to experience her extraordinary meals.

 Here are the after pictures of Phoebe....she is all shiny and smells great.

I'm tired.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that dinner you tossed together looks fantastic. I'm in no way half as good as that!
    However I am going to get a little more experimental now that I have some space in the kitchen!


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