Sunday, July 3, 2016


 Love these cool mornings.

 After chores I took a quick shower and headed down to the Farmer's Market.
Our jam group was playing from 10-12.
Sally was there on her scooter!

 Today there were only six of us, but it was a good time.

 All the vendors donate something to the band.  I grabbed the cherries.
 Gary had duty at the Welcome Center...I saw Judy at the Market and we went out to lunch.
Did some reading when I got home.
Tucked the girls in a little after 7.

 Seeing that it was so nice out, I decided to go behind the barn and pick part of the pasture.

 And then, while Gary worked on hanging his garlic to dry, I mowed the weeds off the two small grass paddocks.  They look greener than the lawn, but there sure isn't much there for the girls.

 I did not get back in the house until 10 of 9 and quickly changed my clothes so I could drive down to the Rec Center to take some shots of the fireworks.  There must have been at least a couple thousand people parked in every possible spot or sitting on the grounds.  Never have seen so many.

 Parked next to me, was a family that brought along their dog!  What were they thinking?  It whined the entire time as it's ears had to put up with the "explosive" sounds.  I just read that Italy will not allow the popping....just the fireworks....out of concern for animals.

Tomorrow is another day!
Night all.


  1. Fireworks are very pretty but the booming is annoying even to humans. My dog is afraid of them too. That's a beautiful picture of (is it Berlin?) looking out the window.

  2. Beautiful shots of the fireworks. I had to take Tucker to the vet on Friday and she was asking if I was there for something to help him through the noise of the weekend. Evidently she had a lot of people coming in for tranquilizers. Tucker doesn't seem to mind fireworks or thunder. Gypsy doesn't like it, and hides, but at least she's not one that whines or shakes. I hope your 4th was happy!

  3. We don't get much noise out where we live and we don't seek out fireworks either. We can hear it in the distance and it just sounds like thunder.
    Our animals got used to the noise of fireworks and gunshots when our closest neighbor used to target practice a lot.

  4. I wish we would follow Italy's example! Poor Connor is becoming very phobic ever since the new neighbors moved in and set off random bombs all the time.


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