Friday, July 29, 2016

Extra! Extra!

 Abbe line driving....
 Putting on the harness.
 Andrea and Abbe during training.
 Abbe and me....
 Muddy Berlin.
 My dressage instructor, Linda LeGrand and her Andalusian stallion Hito.
This was at the opening we had for our indoor and they did a musical freestyle that made everyone cry.  Hito was imported from Portugal and was in his 20s when he could still do all this stuff.
 Pony (Babe's Opal) in front of her boyfriend King Mustafa.
 Abbe and a new friend.
 Pony was 13 hands and King Mustafa was over 17.  They were good pals.
 Jenny's thoroughbred, Target.
I was just playing around with photoshop.


  1. I see you were playing with the photos! Fun!
    Looks like you had a great time. I am thinking about going to the carriage driving event after Labor Day in Prairie Du Chein this year, it would be fun to photograph the folks and their fancy rigs.
    My new farrier goes as 'Farrier on Site'.

  2. I loved seeing pictures of your previous horses. Some I knew by name (I started following you right after Pony died) and some I didn't (Target is a new one for me). What did Jenny do with Target? Jump?


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