Monday, July 18, 2016

A Drink....

 Because there is not much grass in the pastures, I set out 6 hay bags this morning.

 We had rain four different times....two light and two heavy.
The girls must have spent a lot of time under the shed roof as they ate everything.

Around 11 we had a bread delivery and I had a chance to talk with Carina.  She is quite the baker! When our onions are ready I will trade them for some beets (since ours did not make it).
 As she was leaving, Chuck and his wife pulled in the driveway to pick up some garlic.  He first found out about it a couple of decades ago when Gary was holding his garlic festivals in Batavia.  What an interesting couple.  I wished they lived closer so we could get to know each other better.  They are from New Castle, Pa..
 Once again, my intentions for going to Agape failed me.  What a slacker!

 Today Gary, Jenny, Ariana, Finn and Coop went on a road trip to Stony Brook park.  It is their second annual as they love hiking there.
Here are a few photos that were sent from Jen's phone.
 On the way they stopped for breakfast in Caledonia.

 The water had to feel great after all that hiking.

While they were gone I got out the lawn tractor and planned to knock down some weeds in the pasture, but it never happened as it kept raining off and on.  Big storm warnings on tv.  
I loved it!  We even had a few puddles.

Gary got back to the farm around 3:30 and I was out like a light...put to sleep by my latest book.  I should never get that comfortable.
I headed out to the barn to prepare Berlin's hay cubes and on the way, filled up the little water trough.  As soon as Maggie and Angel saw the hose they came over for a soaking.  Berlin and Abbe did not even want to be sponged off.
 Needless to say, all the gardens were very happy.

 Tonight there was a swearing in ceremony at the Village Hall for several friends who were just reelected.  Mary and I were there and our Supervisor participated in the ceremony.

 A new police officer was also sworn in by the Chief.
 By the time I headed home, the sun was starting to set.

 Night all!
Time Out


  1. Another busy day! Wow! Your flowers look fantastic. Our heavy 3 inch rain bent over some of my flowers yesterday morning.
    But I had a very quiet day compared to yours.


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