Wednesday, July 27, 2016

15 Miles On The Erie Canal....

 The lawn sure looks a lot better without the weeds!  There's even a little green showing.

 It was nice and cool when I got out to the barn, but it did not stay that way very long.
This was our 14th day over 90 degrees.
 Before 9, I was on the phone with Judy to see if she wanted to go to the pool.
As I was driving over to Tina's, I pulled off the road to grab a few shots of this packet boat that was coming around the bend.  People rent them for $1000 a week and go from port to port.  They sleep at least four and have kitchen and bathroom.

As usual the pool water was a toasty 83 degrees and we were in it for 90 minutes.
My new favorite alternative to Agape during these hot days.
This is becoming a habit!

 This afternoon I went out to the barn to turn on the fan for the girls....and there they were....
out of the sun.
 I took it easy until late afternoon, then prepared a basket of goodies to take to Finn's game.
Sun tea with lemons, cheese, crackers and marinated cucumbers.
This was the last game of his season.

 There is one girl on this team....Emma.  She has been playing with Finn for several years and does a great job in the field and at bat.  She has quite an arm!

 Tonight Finn started off on third base and ended the game playing first.

 It was a big win! They are the CHAMPIONS!  What a great season!

 On our way home, the sunset was spectacular.

Over and out.
Night all.


  1. It's so nice to be able to cool off in the pool. Congratulations to Finn and his team!

  2. Hot weather (close to 100) at our place as well this week. Ugh! A pool sounds so refreshing.


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