Thursday, June 2, 2016

Too Muggy To Mow....

It was raining when I went out to the barn this morning.
Got a little wet.
 So glad that we have this 60' shed roof.
 On the way back to the house I really got soaked.
 By the time it got down to a spritz, some friends arrived and wanted to buy some rhubarb.
Back out.
 Seeing that Agape was closed Monday and I had a meeting Wednesday, I decided to go today and tomorrow.  This time I took my Kindle and read while I was on the elliptical and bike.  Time flew!
 Company for dinner tonight, so I picked some flowers for the dining room table.
 By 2 pm it was very muggy and Maggie was splashing her face in the water trough.

 I worked on a couple of things for dinner and then Phoebe and I took it easy.
She is doing much better in the itchy department.
 Before dinner I had to take something out to the barn and noticed that Maggie was staring at something....
 a deer was next to the pasture.
 Tonight, I prepared a huge salad for dinner.
Judy and Sally arrived at 6.
 Greens, tomatoes, yellow peppers, avacado, chopped eggs, caramelized onions, chicken, feta cheese and croutons.  Delish.
 Sally brought crusty rolls and Judy made a rustic blueberry pie.

 We sat at the table for almost 3 hours!  Lots of chatter.
 It's always a pleasure to share a meal with these two.
Night all.


  1. Your dinner looks fabulous! Love the pink, blue, and purple flowers.

  2. Sounds like a great dinner with friends!

  3. Mom said she doesn't miss muggy at all
    Lily & Edward


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