Monday, June 27, 2016


Another hot one.

 Today I chose swimming over Agape.
 My friend Judy and I spent an hour and a half treading water/swimming over at Tina's.
It was heavenly to say the least.
 The gardens are really getting beautiful.

 On my way home I drove past the Welcome Center and there were a couple of boats docked.
There is a leak in the canal several miles west of here and a huge section is being drained.
Sounds crazy huh?  They will be working on it for weeks.
In the photo below they are dropping down these big metal gates so the water can't get through that area.  This is Brockport.  They will do the same in Middleport.  By yesterday all boats had to be out of that part of the Canal.  Many farmers use the canal for watering their crops and right now we are in a drought.  It's going to have a huge impact on those farming along the drained area. 

The guard gates between #Brockport and #Middleport are down - the Erie Canal is now closed between these two villages to allow for the repair of a culvert under the canal in #Hulberton
We did get a little rain last night, but what we need is a three day soaker.
As you can see, our lawn is no longer green.
After lunch Gary and I sat down in the kitchen with the fans on and watched a couple episodes of "Bloodline" (Netflix)  Well, that's over.  What's next?

Even tho it was hot, I decided to have spags for dinner.
...and a nice cucumber/pepper/onion/tomato/feta salad.
We have started ordering 2 loaves of artisan bread from a neighbor, to be delivered on Mondays.
It served as my inspiration for this meal as it is positively delicious.
I had some fresh Parmesan cheese that we grated on top.

Gary went down to watch Finn's baseball game and I stuck with the fans.
These two photos were taken within seconds of each other.  One so dark, one so light.
Where you stand makes such a difference.
OK...that's it.
Night all.


  1. Oh goodness, I think I'm still treading water in the pool! Such a nice thought after these hot days we are having. Gorgeous flowers and of course the horses are beautiful! We are having spaghetti tonight also, but with spaghetti squash because of Mark's diabetes. Hope you have a cooler day!

  2. It sprinkled a bit here last night but we need a soaking rain too. Everything is turning brown. Love the flowers especially that purple pom pom. I'd give anything for a pool in my yard again! That's a shame about the canal. Hope they get it fixed quickly. It's going to cause a lot of inconvenience for sure.


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