Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Vote Was No...

 Yet another gorgeous morning.

 Gary still has this many onions to plant!
 Class this morning.
Before my students arrived I dug out one of the huge canvases that were given to me last year.
Several of my students have them and for the first time they are painting in a large format.
This one is about 4 1/2 feet by 6 feet.  I have not painted with acrylics for years so I had to search out some tubes of paint.  Ended up finding about 4, very old, leftover colors and decided to go with them, knowing that I have to buy more.  When all is said and done, this will probably morph into something entirely different.
(That blue triangle is a shadow...I was painting outside on the Studio deck).

 Before they left, I handed those who wanted to paint a big fat brush and let them
add whatever they wanted.  An exercise to free them up.
Can you tell that I am very loose with a paint brush?

 Relaxed this afternoon and watched a movie.

Gary was in charge of Coop this afternoon.   Jenny went to Finn's game on her way home from work....then she and Finn went to Coop's game, where Grampa was waiting.  Both teams won.

 This was a very big night for Brockport.
 On my way to the Town Board meeting there was all kinds of activity....as this was the day all Villagers had the opportunity to VOTE.  Should the Village be dissolved?

This announcement made a whole lot of people very happy.
Night all.

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