Thursday, May 12, 2016

Finally Enough Time To Take a Trike Ride....

 My buddy and I headed out to the barn around 7:15.
 First day for the girls to wear masks as the temperature went up to 80 degrees.

 After chores I grabbed my trike and went for a ride.  The rhubarb pie was delicious, but I needed to work it off.
 This is where we get our wood for the stoves. 
 Last year we bought 5 face cords and did not use it all.
 Ed does a great job and is just around the corner.

 This is the view from across the street.  For some reason, 
they have not worked on the house for 4 days.
See how close it is to our back pasture?
 The girls were watching me as I headed toward the driveway.

 The heat really made the blossoms pop.

 I ran a couple of errands at noon and then went to Ann's for duplicate bridge.
 Terry (my baritone uke buddy) was my partner and we came in second.

 Gary brought in some daffodils, as he was working in the gardens.
Tomorrow we plan to start selling rhubarb at Sara's Garden Center.
 Another easy dinner.
 A fresh salad and leftover pasta.
Night all.


  1. Please,I want what Ed has, the splitter, elevator, truck, and maybe that machine also strips the bark and mulches at the same time.Our splitter just splits!!! In my opinion,you can never have too much firewood.Beautiful flowers, and a great day to be out and about.

  2. Pasta looks good. Sometimes that stuff is even better the second day - as a casserole can be.

  3. Love the pink blossoms! Wow what brilliant color! I do love spring for this very reason, things are more exciting and brilliant as the temperatures warm.
    I will be posting an update on our house. We didn't have any activity for a week and that was because the contractor was waiting on the 'trusses' and other items.

    It is going to frost here the next two nights! Yikes!
    Love your trike too. I just got an old coaster brake bike and I love it, though I do end up pushing it up a lot of steep hills.

  4. Hi Lori I always enjoy meandering through your farm and surroundings with you. Looks like Phoebe has become your soulmate!

  5. Hope mom shared that pie
    Lily & Edward

  6. Beautiful flowers. Nice scenery for your tide.


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